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    外交使团代团长、新加坡驻华大使陈燮荣在讲话中首先对我国青海地震灾区的灾民 和遇难者表示深切同情和哀悼;对四川地震后,特别是新北川重建的速度之快和建设者的使命感表示高度赞赏。相信在胡锦涛国家主席和中国政府领导下,“北川精神”会再次在青海展现。陈燮荣大使指出,全球经济复苏仍很脆弱,面临许多不确定性和挑战,其中保护主义上升是最危险的,诸如气候变化等全球问题日益紧迫。在此情况下,我们不仅要关注全球经济复苏,而且要保证新的增长方式必须在经济和环境上具有可持续性。鉴此,“第九届外交官之春”把“科学发展•绿色增长”确定为主题是最恰当的。习近平副主席在博鳌论坛上重申中国坚持“以人为本,全面协调可持续发展”的科学发展观,相信中国将通过政策调整、创新和科学进步实现自己的承诺。陈燮荣大使还代表使团对赢得“2010年中国绿色城市奖”的城市表示祝贺,希望此奖激励它们在创新和可持续发展方面取得更大的成绩。


The 9th
“Spring of Diplomats”

  The Association of Former Diplomats of China (AFDC) held the 9th “Spring of Diplomats and the Fortune Leaders Forum of World Eminent Chinese Businessmen As­sociation” in the Great Hall of the People on 28 April, 2010 with the theme of “Sci­entific Development and Green Growth”. Present on the occasion were Vice Chairman of the NPC standing Committee Lu Rongx­iang, Vice President Wang Wenyuan of the 9th CPPCC, Vice Foreign Minister Li Jin­zhang, Vice Chairman Peng Shen of the National Development and Reform Commis­sion, Honorary Presidents of AFDC Tian Zengpei and Cai Fangbo, AFDC advisors, specially-invited advisors, council members and specially-invited council members. The participants also included representatives from other provinces and municipalities, responsible persons from supporting and sponsoring organizations to AFDC, mem­bers and entrepreneurs invited by the World Eminent Chinese Businessmen Association, and over 100 heads of diplomatic mission in China and senior diplomats. The total par­ticipants amounted to 1,000.
  Vice Chairman Lu Rongxiang declared the formal opening of the 9th “Spring of Diplomats and the Fortune Leaders Forum of World Eminence Chinese Business As­sociation”. President Ji Peiding of the AFDC made an opening address. Vice For­eign Minister Li Jinzhang and Vice Chair­man Peng Shen spoke on China’s foreign policy and the development of the green economy respectively. Executive Vice Presi­dent Huang Yaojin of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation of China. H.E. Mr. Chin Siat Yoon, acting dean of the diplomatic corps in China and Singapore ambassador to China and Mrs. Katie Chan, honorary Chairwoman of the welfare association of the Jianshazui neighborhood Hong Kong, successively delivered speeches of congratu­lations. This was followed by the presen­tation of awards to the “China’s Green Cities in 2010”, which was presided over by President Lu Junqing of the World Em­inent Chinese Businessmen Association.
  In his opening address, President Ji Peiding noted that the “Spring of Dip­lomats”, as an important annual event of the AFDC, a famous brand event for former diplomats in has been held for the 8th time successively. The 9th “Spring of Diplomats” is of great significance as it is being held at a time when China is pick­ing up the transformation in its economic growth pattern, energetically going in for energy conservation and pollutants control so as to bring about a sustainable growth in earnest implementation of the scientific outlook on development in the wake of the UN Copenhagen Conference for Climate Change. He expressed the belief that this large-scale get-together will once again be a grand meeting where views can be ex­changed, efforts coordinated with a view to promoting economic and trade coopera­tion between Chinese and foreign business circles and diplomatic personnel President Ji described 2009 as the most difficult year for China’s economic growth. Given the mas­sive impact of the world financial crisis and worldwide negative economic growth, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, led by the Party central committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the General Secretary, braced all difficulties and fought tenaciously with firm resolve and composure, leading China first in bringing about an economic re­covery towards an upturn trend. China’s reform, opening up, and the socialist mod­ernization drive again witnessed new and remarkable success in the past year. 2010 is a crucial year for China to counter the impact of the aftermath of the financial crisis and maintain the stable and relatively fast economic growth. As a big developing country, China is faced with many chal­lenges as well as opportunities.China’s diplomacy should strive to create a bet­ter external environment for its endeavor to ensure stability, boost growth and re­structure the economy, serving in real ear­nest both domestic and external work. Ac­quainting the session with what the AFDC had done in the past 15 years, President Ji highlighted the importance of contin­ued pursuance on the part of the AFDC of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi’s following inscription “promoting exchanges between China and other countries, serving of our economic endeavor”. Taking full advantage of the diplomatic resources of the AFDC members, President Ji remarked, the AFDC would do whatever it can to act as an in­termediary and provide advice for China’s state-owned enterprises, collective enter­prises and those of the non-public sectors to enter into exchange and cooperation with other countries with a view to contributing to China’s overall economic growth.
  On behalf of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Vice Foreign Minister Li Jinzhang expressed congratulations on the successful holding of the current “Spring of Diplo­mats”. and heartfelt thanks to the gov­ernments and people of other countries, international organizations, diplomatic mis­sions in China and the AFDC, which had rendered sincere support and valuable help to China’s Yushu county in Qinghai in its rescue and relief efforts against the mas­sive earthquake. Vice Foreign Minister Li Jinzhang gave a comprehensive presenta­tion on the special features of the current international situation, China’s achieve­ments in foreign affairs and the active part it is playing in international affairs and the objectives it pursues. He observed that the choice of “scientific development and green growth” as the main theme by the cur­rent “Spring of Diplomats” is of practi­cal significance in addressing the world financial crisis, promoting recovery and lasting prosperity of the world economy and jointly exploring the transformation of growth patterns, which is a common topic of our time. On the international situa­tion, he listed the following points: 1. The underlying repercussion of the world fi­nancial crisis continues to make itself felt. In face of international competition in the “post crisis era”, all countries are read­justing development and external strategy in an effort to formulate new pillars of economic growth. 2. The overall strength of the developing countries is constantly on the rise, as the multilateral coopera­tion mechanism such as the “four BRIC countries”, the “four BASIC countries” and the 5 developing countries has entered a new stage of development. The devel­oping countries have increasingly become important locomotives driving forward the world economic growth and stakeholders in resolving global problems, a trend that pushes forward the world landscape towards a direction of relative balance. 3. The re­form of the world economic system has entered an important period. The summit of the Group of 20 has been institutionized and significant steps have been taken in the reform of international institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank as the over­haul of the global economic mechanism is heading towards a direction of wider rep­resentation and greater fairness and ef­ficiency. 4. There has been an enhanced international cooperation in resolving global problems. With the issue of climate change becoming one of the focus for international cooperation and competition, low-carbon economy and green development have con­stituted an important orientation for the development of the world economy. Chal­lenges in economic safety, financial safe­ty, energy safety, food safety and public hygiene safety have become conspicuous all the more. The combat against terror­ism across the globe faces a complex and grave situation, and the question of nuclear safety and prevention of proliferation figure prominently on the agenda of international conferences. The growing urgency and in­teraction of global problems have rendered it impossible for any one country to re­solve them on its own. The international relations are experiencing a new round of readjustment and interaction. Competition coupled with cooperation at the same time is the fundamental policy alternative for all countries. The Vice Foreign Minister point­ed out that the past year has been a year for China’s diplomacy to brace difficulties and continue to expand new areas. We are working to promote the healthy and steady development of our relations with ma­jor countries, deepen the good-neighborly and friendly cooperation with peripheral countries, energetically strengthen the tra­ditional friendship with other developing countries and take an active part in inter­national multilateral cooperation. At present we are striving to do a good job relating to foreign affairs in connection with rescue and relief efforts against the earthquake in Qinghai’s Yushu county, do a good job relating to external affairs of the Shanghai World Expo so as to turn the Expo into a bridge of friendship for the exchange of all people, in the field of cultural interest. The Vice Foreign Minister noted that the international community is increasingly fo­cusing its attention on China. Indeed in the past 60 years since its founding, notably over the past 30 years since the reform and opening up, China’s economic strength has grown by a big margin, rendering it the world’s third largest economy, the big­gest exporting country, the second largest importing country and the world’s largest emerging market. As China’s integration with the outside world today in terms of interests is ever closer, China is an impor­tant role-player and reformer in interna­tional relations and has increasingly become an important force in defending of world peace and in further promoting a common development. China’s own development has served to promote the development of the world as a whole as it takes more and more international responsibilities compat­ible with its capabilities. In the meantime, one must not ignore China’s basic situa­tion and the difficulties it faces. China is now and, for a long time to come, will remain to be a developing country. Our basic situation of a big population, a weak foundation and an uneven development re­mains unchanged. China will unswerv­ingly be committed to a road of peaceful development, pursue an opening strategy of mutual benefit and a win-win outcome and strive to build a harmonious world of last­ing peace and common prosperity. The Vice Foreign Minister expressed his thanks to the AFDC for what it had done over the past years and was most appreciative to the “Spring of Diplomats” which, since its inception in 2001, had made unique con­tributions in providing an important plat­form for the friendly communication and exchange between China and diplomatic circles and economic sectors of all countries.
  Vice Chairman Peng Sen delivered a speech on “Promote Green Economic Growth, realize Sustainable Development”. He inception that since the start of the 11th Five-year Plan, the Chinese government had taken energy conservation and emission reduction, the development of a circular economy and coping with climate change as key links in restructuring the economy and transforming the growth pattern and as an important ingredient in adopting the scien­tific outlook on development and bringing about a sustainable development. The Chi­nese government has prescribed the “Na­tional Program for Coping with Climate Change” and issued the “Comprehensive Working Procedure for Energy Conservation and Pollutants Reduction”, with its work focusing on the following fields: 1. Go in for energy conservation in a comprehen­sive manner. Introduce energy conservation projects in selected focal enterprises. Launch an energy conservation campaign in “one thousand enterprises”. Popularize efficient and energy saving products. Introduce a price and tax policy conducive to energy saving and emission reduction. 2. Re­structuring the economy in a big way. En­ergetically develop new and recycle energy. Phase out backward productive facilities for industrial upgrading. Vigorously develop the service sector. 3. Earnestly push ahead with eco-building and environmental pro­tection. 4. Promote the circular economy in a deep-going way. Strengthen policy guid­ance. Redoubling efforts in building pilot projects. Stepping up efforts in building eco-industrial park. 5. Actively respond to Climate change. An operative system is in place where, under the unified leadership of the national group to address climate change, various government departments and localities have a clear division of job responsibilities. A clear objective of respon­sibility has been set. International coopera­tion on climate change has been enhanced. Work on information release and public awareness program has been intensified. 6. With a view to strengthening the building of a legal system concerning resources and environment, a series of laws and regula­tions have been enacted such as the law governing energy conservation, the law concerning renewable source of energy, the law for the promotion of a circular econo­my, the law to promote clean production, the law on forests, the law on grasslands and regulations concerning energy conser­vation in household buildings etc. 7. Pro­mote the concept for a green life through public awareness programs. Speaking on the progress made in obtaining the manda­tory target as contained in the “Program” of the “11th Five-year Plan” (i.e. the reduction by around 20% of energy con­sumption per unit of GDP, and the reduc­tion of around 10% of the total main pol­lutants emission by 2010 as compared with 2005) Vice Chairman Peng Sen highlighted the work that has been done in the fol­lowing fields: 1. to further optimize in­dustrial structure. 2. to work for a gradual improvement of the energy structure. 3. to strive for further reduction of the per unit energy consumption of the main energy-in­tensive products. 4. New strides have been in eco-building and environmental protec­tion。 
  He stressed that by 2020, given our objective to build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects with scientific devel­opment and social harmony constituting the two basic requirements, the realization of a green economy and a sustainable develop­ment called for still higher standards and greater urgency. Therefore it is essential to further upgrade the national strategic posi­tion for countering climate change and in­corporate the related plan of action into the medium and long term national economic and social development plan. Efforts must be intensified to reform the institutional mechanism, adjust the industrial structure, quicken steps for a fundamental change in the growth pattern of the economy and earnestly work for energy conservation and emission reduction despite all difficulties. It is impor­tant to work for the attainment of the objec­tives in the “11th Five-year Plan” so as to lay a solid foundation for the implementation of the “12th Five-year Plan” while beef­ing up international cooperation on ways to respond to climate change. To put it in a nutshell, China has been making unswerving efforts to explore ways of a harmonious de­velopment between human being and nature.
  Executive Vice President Huang Yaojin made a presentation on the development of China’s Soong Ching Ling Foundation. He remarked that initiated by Mr. Deng Xiaoping, the Foundation had put in a lot of hard work with dedication over the past two decades and more since its founding to enhancing international friendship, de­fending world peace, beefing up exchanges across the straits, promote the unifica­tion of the motherland, caring for women and children and building a better future in pursuing and bringing into full play Mme. Soong Ching Ling’s great patri­otic spirit. And its efforts had paid off and won the acclaim of the society. On behalf of China’s Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Vice President Huang extended his warm congratulations to the successful holding of the 9th “Spring of Diplomats” and was confident that an extensive and in-depth deliberation on the “scientific development and green growth” by the current “Spring of Diplomats” would play an active and important role in increasing understanding of the Chinese and foreign participants on China’s foreign policy and her national economic development, in boosting exchange between China and the rest of the world and in helping Chinese and foreign enter­prises to develop better and faster.
  In his speech, H.E. Mr. Chin Siat Yoon, acting dean of diplomatic corps and Singapore ambassador to China ex­pressed deep sympathy and condolences to the earthquake-striken people and victims of Qinghai. He was highly appreciative of the speed of reconstructing a new Beichuan in the wake of the earthquake in Sichuan and the sense of mission on the part of the builders. He expressed the belief that led by President Hu Jintao and the Chinese government, the “Beichuan Spirit” would reappear in Qinghai. The ambassador pointed out that the world economic recov­ery remains fragile and there are a num­ber of uncertainties and challenges among which the rise of protectionism is the most dangerous. With global problems such as climate change becoming ever more press­ing we must, apart from being mindful of the world economic recovery, see to it that the new growth pattern must be sus­tainable economically and environmentally. In light of this, it is most fitting for the 9th “Spring of Diplomats” to define its theme as “scientific development and green growth”. Vice President Xi Jinping reaf­firmed in the Boao Forum that China is committed to the scientific outlook on de­velopment in putting the people first and aiming for a comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development. The ambassador was convinced that China would deliver its promises through policy readjustments, cre­ation and scientific progress.
  On behalf of the diplomatic corps Ambassador Chen offered his congratula­tions to the award-winning “2010 Chinese Green Cities” and expressed the hope that the award would serve as an impetus to achieving greater success in their efforts for creation and a sustainable development.
Speaking highly of the “Spring of Dip­lomats” in her brief address, Mrs. Katie Chan noted that she would work together with the AFDC in her continued effort to contribute as much as possible for furthering exchanges between China and the rest of the world in the service of economic growth.
  The current “Spring of Diplomats” was unanimously well received by the participants. It had received widespread attention from vari­ous social sectors. The People’s Daily, the Xin Hua network, China network, Renmin network, Sohu network, Beijing Evening, Bei­jing Youth Daily and other news media and units made coverages of the event, which was crowned with complete success.

Seated at the Rostrum are Central and Government Leaders
Vice Chairman Lu Yongxiang and Vice President Wang Wenyuan pose for a group picture with the participants
Vice Chairman Lu Yongxiang declared open the 9th “Spring of Diplomats”
Vice President Wang Wenyuan of the 9th CPPCC attending opening ceremony of the 9th “Spring of Diplomats”
President Ji Peiding chatting cordially with Vice Chairman Lu Yongxiang
On behalf of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Vice Foreign Minister Li Jinzhang speaking on China’s foreign policy
President Ji Peiding delivering the opening address
Vice Chairman Peng Sen speaking on “Promoting growth of a green economy, realizing sustainable development”
Executive Vice President Huang Yuejin extending congratulations at the session
H.E. Mr. Chin Siat Yoon, acting dean of diplomatic corps
and Singapore ambassador to China, extending congratulation at the session
Mrs. Katie Chan extending congratulations at the session
President Lu Junqing of the World Eminent Chinese Businessmen
Association presiding over the ceremony of award-giving to 2010 Chinese green cities
President Ji Peiding together with Vice Chairman Peng Sen of National Development and Reform Commission
President Ji Peiding together with Executive Vice President Huang Yuejin of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
President Ji Peiding together with Director Wang Hua and official of the Jiangsu Foreign Affairs Office
President Ji Peiding together with an entrepreneurs
President Ji Peiding together with entrepreneur
Scene of the Heads of diplomatic mission in China and other distinguished guests
Scene of the 9th “Spring of Diplomats and the Fortune
Leaders Forum of world Eminent Chinese Businessmen Association”
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